Click here to see your sales in dollars. Click here to see your percentage change in sales. Click here to see your sales in dollars. Click here to compare your sales in dollars. Click here to change the format of the display to a ledger format. Click here to see your change in profit margins. Click here to see your percentage change in profits. Click here to see your percentage change in units sold. Click here to see your percentage change in sales. Click here to see your profits in dollars. Click here to see your sales in dollars. Click here to see your profits in dollars. Click here to compare your sales in units. Click here to see your sales in dollars. Click here to compare your sales in dollars. Click here to see a pie chart of your profits. Click here to see a pie chart of your sales. Click here to see your average cost. Click here to see your profit margins. Click here to see your profits in dollars. Click here to change your selection criteria. Click here to print the Analyze Sales report.